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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Enjoy Sunrise on the crater of Kilimanjaro

Sunday, August 27, 2023 - 7:56 am PT

Big Day!  And night.  We were awake at 11 PM sharp last night.  Thankfully, it was calm and not too cold at 15,200 ft at that hour.  We geared up, ate a quick “breakfast” and got walking at 12:05 AM.  Everybody else at Barafu Camp did so too.  It was a great parade of headlights converging on the steep start to the route.  Naiman led our team nice and steady through various teams that were stopping and starting to deal with difficulties.  Once we were through the rocky start to the route, the walking got a little easier and one could pay a little attention to the stars and the lights of Moshi and other towns and cities.  The moon was about half full and threw back some useful light for us.  As expected, it got cold as we got a few hours into the climb.  By the halfway point we pretty much had every scrap of clothing on.  Water bottles within our packs were freezing up.  Our main strategy for dealing with the cold was to keep moving.  We hit Stella Point at the crater rim at 6AM.  The walking got easier then… and absolutely beautiful as the light came up.  Sunrise came as we were halfway to Uhuru -the highest point.  We got to Uhuru at 7 AM.  It was a little cold and breezy at 19,341 ft above sea level and so we didn’t stay long.  Long enough for some victorious pics with the big sign board up there.  The breeze/wind motivated us to move down the mountain at a pretty good clip, boot skiing in the scree.  We were back to Barafu at 10:10 AM.  Tosha presented us with a pizza brunch and we had some time for taking care of ourselves and packing up.  Nobody was all that psyched at the prospect of four more hours on our feet to descend 5,000 ft but we got after it anyway.  We made it down to a 10,000 ft camp in the woods by 3:35 PM.  The team is safe and relieved to be back on flat ground (everything at high camp is tilted) and so happy to be breathing oxygen rich air with actual humidity again. 

Best Regards,

RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (23)

Congratulations!!  Now I know someone (Sarah) in real life that has climbed one of my bucket list mountains.  Looking forward to celebrate in person when we all get together back in the US.  Peace…..and Keep Climbing!!

Posted by: Dwight Fish on

Congratulations!! Way to go!

Posted by: Karen Edwards on

Wow! What an accomplishment! Love that you had the night hike and could experience the stars and the sunrise, even though cold! Congratulations Cindee and Amanda and the entire team!

Posted by: Kasey Oldham on

Amazing!! Congratulations, Cindee, Amanda and team!!

Posted by: Olga Rotell on

Woo! Congratulations Cindee, Amanda, and team! What an impressive feat. It looks like you all were treated to pretty perfect (albeit cold) weather at the top, which makes me happy. Glad you’re back on solid footing. Have a great rest of your trip!! - Gollo

Posted by: Gollo Moreno on

Awesome job Cindee and Amanda! You can be proud of yourself! We definitely are proud of you!!!

Posted by: Jan Benke on

Congratulations everyone!  What an amazing trip.
And especially… yay Sarah!!! So wish we could have joined you.

Posted by: Jessica on

Congratulations Cindee & Amanda!  Looks like it was an amazing (and cold!) climb, but those views look awesome!  Look forward to hearing all about it when you return!  Enjoy the safari!

Posted by: Julie Barnett on

CONGRATS TEAM, esp to Dan, Debi and Melanie.
Thank you Dave for keeping us posted!

Posted by: Michelle Koerner on

Congratulations Cindee, Amanda, and team! The pics are great, and I can’t wait to hear more about the adventures. Safe remaining travels!

Posted by: Sonya on

Congratulations Dan, Deb and Melanie !!!

Posted by: Don on

Congratulations. What an accomplishment. The pictures look amazing and what you guys did is awesome. Shout out to Melanie, Debi and Dan.
That said, the whole team must be incredible to have summited Kilimanjaro. Definitely a team effort.
I’m glad to hear you’re back to breathing oxygen and humidity , as at least 3 of you live at about 200’ ASL back home. Take care.

Posted by: Philip Broome on

Congratulations Team!!
So proud of you all….
Cindee and Amanda you guys are badasses!!
Love the pics

Posted by: Kim Murphy on

You did it! I’m so proud of all of you! Cindee and Amanda, you girls will need new nicknames now. Thank you to Dave for keeping everyone safe, and for keeping us all updated. <3

Posted by: Dawn Farber on

Congratulations Cindee, Amanda and team! You guys are awesome!

Posted by: DoriAnne on

WOOHOOOOOOO Cindee and Amanda! You did it! Congratulations on this monu-mountain victory to you both and the entire team! Thanks to Dave and the rest of his team for keeping them all safe and well fed!  I almost want to do it…almost!

Posted by: Cris Loy on

A heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to the whole team!! I am in awe of your determination and perseverance to reach the summit!! Melanie, Debi, and Dan - whoo hoo! You did it! David, thank you for this blog - your photos and dialogue helped me live vicariously each day with this amazing group of adventurers. 
Janice Smiley, Melanie’s Mom

Posted by: Janice Smiley on

Amazing congratulations everyone what an achievement woh just woh cindee and amanda corks popping congratulations everyone once again

Posted by: Tina Waugh on

Congratulations everyone! What an accomplishment! It’s been fun watching your journey so far and the pictures are priceless! Hi Cindee and Amanda!!

Posted by: Lori Sanford on

Woot Woot!! Congratulations to the whole team! It has been so much fun watching your adventure! Shout out to Cindee and Amanda! Zula and Zini are besties now!!!

Posted by: Kari Furse on

MAZEL TOV one and all.  And Dave, thank you for safely guiding the ladies to their goal.  Goodonya!

Posted by: Sandy Silk on

Congrats to you all! This blog has been great. Thanks for keeping us posted along the route.

Posted by: Pamela Herman on

Congratulations to the entire expedition team and everyone involved in this quest to the top.  I especially like all of the happy smiles.

Posted by: Linda Ostapchuk on

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