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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Reach Summit!

Sunday, August 13, 2023 - 7:24 am PT

We had an extremely nice day for going to the top of Africa. Waking at 11 last night it was dead calm and when we unzipped the tents and looked out, the lights of Moshi and a hundred other towns and villages in Tanzania were winking up at us.  The ever-present cloud deck wasn't present. Overhead, the Milky Way dazzled us.  We ate a quick "breakfast" and got climbing by midnight. The cold temps were a challenge, but less so without wind. We marched up through the night, taking quick hourly breaks in the lava, gravel and pumice.  We were at Stella Point on the crater rim when the sun rose at 6:35 and magically it was still calm on the mountaintop.  It was a beautiful walk in the morning light over to Uhuru, the summit of Kilimanjaro.  We celebrated up top and took plenty of pictures. We'd just begun walking down when one of the remaining summit glaciers calved with a thunderous crash into a pool of meltwater. We were stunned by the action, but also by the fact that a sizable pool of unfrozen water existed at 19,000 ft. We slid down the rock scree of our ascent route, reaching high camp just after 10 AM. Our staff sang and danced to give us a memorable and fun welcome. We finished the day with a rugged hike down to Mweka Camp at 10,000 ft, arriving at 3:30 PM under sunny skies. The team is getting set for a final night on the mountain. Our team did well, placing seven of nine climbers on top and crucially nine of nine safely down afterward. Our support team blew our minds with the quality and quantity of help they provided as we pursued our dream summit. 

Best Regards,

RMI Guide Dave Hahn


Sunday, August 13, 2023 - 1:10 AM PT

A quick check in from RMI Guide Dave Hahn with the photo above to let us know the team reached the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro at 7:15 am local time.  The team has safely descended back to High Camp, Barafu, as of 10:15 am local time.  They will continue their descent to Mweka Camp, their final mountain camp of the trip.

Congratulations team!

Comments (15)

Go Team! You are all rock stars! The pictures are incredible. Allison- I need a slide show when you get home!

Posted by: Anne Walsh on

Congratulations on such a huge accomplishment! So proud of you!

Posted by: Andy Feingold on

Congrats Allison!!! What an amazing achievement.  Reiner is certainly smiling and loving every moment of this journey.  All the best and safe travels home.

Posted by: Ian Paisley on

So proud of all of you! Congratulations! Allison’s friend, Melissa

Posted by: Melissa Hunter on

So proud of Allison and team. Chris Reiner always gets an upgrade!!

Posted by: Bowdoin Girls on

Way to go Allison and team!!!  What an amazing accomplishment!!!!  I know Chris Reiner helped with the nice weather.  So amazing!!!

Posted by: Liz on

CONGRATULATIONS team! Can’t wait to hear all about this incredible achievement when you get home Allison! Xoxo

Posted by: Kristen K on

WOOHOO Dave D and Team…What an amazing adventure, can’t wait to hear all about it when you get home! Congrats on all the hard work you put into this venture!, before and on Kili!  God’s Blessings
Now on to Safari adventure!
Love, Bev

Posted by: Bev Kittleson on

Congratulations to the whole team!!! It has been so fun to follow the blog each day… What an adventure!

Dave D, Tim and I are so proud and excited for you!!! We are praying for the safe descent of the entire team. Time to celebrate with safari!

Posted by: Tifani Rule on

What an accomplishment Allison & team. I can only imagine the view and the overflowing of emotions.

Posted by: Rosie on

Wow Allison, way to go! Uncle Tom and I are so impressed with you and the team and this accomplishment! Congratulations! What wonderful memories of being so close to heaven and Chris. This is truly amazing and we wish you all continued safe travels down the rest of the way and home. Love you!

Posted by: Uncle Tom & Aunt Linda on

What an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations!!!!!

Posted by: Phyllicia Thomason on

Congratulations, team! You are amazing!

Posted by: Wendy Wade on

Woohoo!! Congratulations! Allison - I’ve been rooting for you

Posted by: Christiane Boezio on


Posted by: Deb Beechy on

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