Kilimanjaro: Okita and Team Visit Tarangire National Park
Posted by: Brent Okita
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Kilimanjaro

Land of elephants. Tarangire National Park has one of the largest concentrations of elephants in the world. And we saw plenty, along with most every other animal to be seen on safari. It was a great day of wildlife viewing in a park very different from the Ngorongoro Crater. This park is huge. A vast savanna broken up by a few river systems that provide much need water in this very parched environment.
Eric's big objective was to see a leopard, and our guides Chacha and Jacob didn't let us down. High in a leafy tree, camouflaged so incredibly well, was the cat! How our safari guides can pick these critters out of beyond me. We can only see it with binoculars, but there it is, with part of a carcass it had been feeding on.
The animal sightings continue regularly as we make our way to our luxury tent camp in the park. We celebrate our final night together with another wonderful dinner and a few glasses of nice South African wine.
We're off to get in a few more hours of wildlife viewing before having to get back to Arusha where we'll enjoy our day rooms for a few hours before our evening flight home.
Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and get into the big cats again on our way out.
RMI Guide Brent Okita and Team
Comments (3)
Thanks for finding a leopard for Eric! And thank you for the updates. It has been fun to follow along. What an amazing experience for them!
Posted by: Lisa Corcoran on
What an amazing adventure. I’m so glad Eric got to see a leopard! Leopards were such a big part of his childhood. Leopard PJ’s (nonstop for a while), stuffed animals, etc. With Eric’s awesome imagination he didn’t just pretend to be a leopard, he WAS a leopard. I bet there was a part of his soul that was right up in that tree with that leopard he saw.
Posted by: Judy Woellner on
Thank you Brent for the wonderful blog with photos. It was great being able to travel along with you and your group.
Looking forward to seeing Ken’s photos along with the stories that go with it.
Happy travels.
Posted by: Barbara Heck on