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Kilimanjaro: Hahn and Team Gather in Tanzania

August 6, 2023 12:28PM PT

By late afternoon, our Kilimanjaro climbing team had formed up in Usa River, Tanzania.  Not without some missed flights and reroutes of course… and the airlines are still hanging on to one duffel bag of gear, but the team is together and ready to launch this adventure.  We began with a pleasant dinner outside in the garden of the Rivertrees Inn.  There were certainly some yawns and bleary eyes from jet lag, but we also shared some good laughs and a few somber and serious moments as the nine of us introduced ourselves and tried to explain why Kilimanjaro has come to mean so much in our lives.  We’ll get into the nuts and bolts of packing and prepping for the mountain tomorrow…

after a little sleep and some morning coffee. 


Best Regards

RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (16)

Allison!! Seeing your smiling beautiful face is the best sight!!! You are amazing, we love you so much and Chris is truly with you every step of the way. Cannot wait to continue to keep up with your adventures - love ya mama!!

Posted by: Melena on

Allison, what an adventure! We are looking forward to following your progress through the blog. Stay safe…our thoughts and prayers are with you every step of the way.
Love, Mom and Bill

Posted by: Diane MacLaren on

Allison, we are so excited to follow you and your teams climb! Charlie and I check in everyday!! Wishing you all a beautiful (life changing) journey! Megan & Charlie Sherr

Posted by: Megan Sherr on

Allison - it sounds like you have stumbled onto a great team. Your OGW team is rooting for you every single step of the way! Xo

Posted by: Anne Walsh on

Now the fun begins!!!! I’m so happy I can follow the progress of this adventure. Stay safe, communicate and rely on your team. You got this!!!

Posted by: Carrie Strahle on


Posted by: Virginia Vertiz on

Can’t wait to follow along with Allison & the entire team! Best wishes for an incredible journey ❤️

Posted by: Kristen K on

So excited for this team and the amazing sisters, Alice and Wendy. Enjoy every minute of this adventure!

Posted by: Patty Unfred on

The Bowdoin Girls are all cheering for Allison and team. Thank you for raising awareness and funds for lung cancer research and we are behind you every step of the way.

Posted by: Bowdoin Girls on

Allison! Have an amazing adventure! I know Chris is watching with such pride! I know you are going to tackle this climb like any “cross-fitter of the month” would! Ha!

Posted by: Paula Glasmann on

My prayers and love are with you Allison..

Posted by: judy reiner on

Dave D. and Kili Team…praying for daily peace and strength as you make the climb of a lifetime!
Love, Bev

Posted by: Bev Kittleson on

Be well, be safe, be elated.

Posted by: Virginia on

Sean and team -
Thinking of you as you prepare to climb. Hit that summit and be safe. Your in my thoughts and prayers.
Jen Dodson

Posted by: Jennifer Dodson on

Sean and the team,
We are so excited for you and the rest of the team. Please stay safe on your climb and remember Sean you have all your union buddies back here at home cheering you on to make it to the top.
Much Love,

Posted by: Tina Oxford on

Hi Allison and all your team!  Happy you are all past the long flights and have arrived safely.  Please know I, for one, am tracking you, and will be praying for you each day.  God be with you every step of the way!  Much love, Aunt Linda xoxo

Posted by: Linda Reiner on

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