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Denali Expedition: Bond & Team Enjoy Casual Day at Camp

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 11:52 pm PT

The word of the day is casual. We woke up casually. We ate brunch super casually. It started around 9:45 and ended around 12:30pm. We casually devoured breakfast burritos fortified by wild Alaskan game sausage provided by the legendary Bleys. Food comas quickly afflicted much of the crew. Everyone casually waddled to their tents for the afternoon to indulge in naps and further snacking. Some folks managed to stay conscious enough to read books and watch TV or movies. Eventually the dinner bell was rung and the tents casually began to rustle with life. Dinner tonight is a repeat of a classic - ramen but this time with the addition of some newly acquired Korean spice paste. It added some much needed flavor as our ability to taste is deadened at this altitude. Another weather day has passed uneventfully, but each day we wait we get more clarity about the weather for our potential summit window. Anticipation is slowly growing amongst the team as the day to begin our summit push gets closer.

RMI Guide Jack Delaney and the Bond Girls

Comments (2)

I feel certain that your window will be wide open to make that summit! And what a thrill it will be!!!

Posted by: Mary McKinley (Tante Mary) on

Sounds like a nice relaxing day.  There’s lots of anticipation, excitement, and support in my little corner of the world for your reach for the summit.  Ultreia!

Posted by: Michelle DeMers on

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