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Denali Expedition: Champion and Team Cache above Fixed Lines

May 27, 2023 10:29PM PT

Today we woke up to brutal cold, and clear skies. We blasted the stoves and rolled into a late morning of granola.

After watching Mike and Pete's teams roll out of camp, we followed suite and began our way up the steep corridor to the base of the fixed lines. We shortened up the rope internals, set up our ascenders, and made our way up the final 700' vertical feet of blue ice to the saddle on the west buttress. Right around 16,100, we crested the buttress and made our way up to our cache site near 16,300'.

After digging a cache hole in the world’s firmest snow, we turned around and made our way back to 14 camp for a late dinner of ramen.

Everyone worked hard and is looking forward to a well-deserved rest day tomorrow.

Nikki, Leif, Lauren and Team

Comments (9)

Onward and upward!  You’ve got this Kevin!

Posted by: Karie Seubert on

WOW!!! Way to go Kevin and Team! The fixed lines that I have heard so much about and you got to experience it. I know it is tough work but it has to be an incredible reward and experience!!! Climb Strong!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

What an adventure! Keep on climbing Eric.

Upwards and onwards.


Posted by: Michel Putnik on

Eric, we’re following your progress every day. Keep up the good work. We’re sure pulling a truck tire around Kirkland was the Best training.
Love, Mom & Dad

Posted by: Dave & Carolyn Westendorf on

Eric, so proud of you!!! Love seeing the updates. Keep them coming! How are you feeling?

Posted by: MIshelle Westendorf on

Keep it up team! You are all inspirations.

Posted by: Tiff on

Keep at it, Matt and team.  You’ve got this!

Posted by: Kathleen George on

Eric - keep it going, hoping for food weather for all of you!

Posted by: Alex Grumman on

Great Job! You guys can do this. Rest well. Get it done Deffenbaugh!

Posted by: Coulter Wickerham on

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