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Denali Expedition: Smith & All Women’s Team Prep in Talkeetna

Hello fellow readers!

Welcome to our journey! We have wrapped up day two of our Denali Expedition. Yesterday the team met at carousel 1 of the Anchorage Airport with heavy duffels in tow. A rainy drive through the woods of Alaska brought us to the launching pad of Denali Expeditions, Talkeetna. Talkeetna is a Native American word meaning where the rivers meet. At the end of town, you can stand where the Susitna, Chulitna, and the Talkeetna meet with views of Hunter, Foraker, and Denali off in the distance. Today the clouds covered up the mountains but the river rushed by with huge chunks of ice floating along down stream, making for a gorgeous view. It was a busy day for the team sorting gear and getting ready for our flight tomorrow. We are separated into two teams with five going on one plane and four on another. As of now, the weather looks good for getting onto the Kahiltna glacier. The team enjoyed their last dinner in civilization before eating a bunch of noodles and burritos on the mountain. You can see and feel the excitement but also the nerves and jitters for what lies ahead. It's going to be an amazing adventure and a memorable one too. Not only because we are climbing the tallest peak in North America but we are doing it as a team of all Ladies! So say hello to your all women's team, The Tatas. 

Stayed tuned for what's next,

RMI Guides Hannah, Devin, Erika, and Team

Comments (6)

Go Corey!! Show Denali who’s boss!!! Let me know if you find a Mrs. Claus up there, she’s been dodging my calls (  ; _ ;)/

Anna + Bennett

Posted by: Anna Nolan on

We are tracking your progress via the points you are dropping, plus dad is plotting and forecasting where y’all head next via Google earth.  Have fun and stay safe, Anna!

Love, Mom & Dad

Posted by: Kathy on

You go ladies! So excited for you and this adventure! Amazing that we can follow along! Go get it Mol! Love you more,

Posted by: Alison on

Hey Hanna! Team Tata! That is Awesome!!
Best of Luck to all of you!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

LFG Molly!!!!

Posted by: Katherine Forsyth on

Go Bethany! What an adventure. You are on your way to the top. Wishing you all the best in your climb.
Love you… Mom and Dad

Posted by: Jan L. Gray on

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