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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Cache Gear above Camp

Saturday, May 13, 2023 - 7:03 pm PT

A gentle shushhhh of snow falling on the tent woke us this morning. We were the central theme in the snow globe as snow fell quietly and windlessly down. We lingered over coffee and bagel sandwiches letting the day progress. We really couldn't see much, but it was calm, warm enough, and we had a nice camp to return to, so we finally sorted some loads out, loaded packs and sleds, and turned uphill again to go cache. We walked through a milky white world for several hours before we decided that we had done enough, and further walking was going to involve a lot of feel and not much sight. So we dug quite a large hole and left our loads there under the snow to be retrieved in a few days time. The walk down went quite quickly, and after an hour we were back at camp where the clouds were lifting and the sun was blazing at max intensity. We are currently enjoying a short siesta, before a hearty dinner of reindeer gumbo. We plan to pack up camp tomorrow and trade up to an abode at 11,000'.

We'll be in touch.

RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer

Comments (2)

I’m with you, Mama Goltry! Looks like our daughter is the only female on the trip besides the guides. Quite an adventure but I am looking forward to the “we made the summit and are on our way down” post.

Posted by: Karlyn Sullivan on

From 94 degrees in Tucson, I am doing my best work with tequila to not think about hubby on a glacier in the freezing cold. But alas, there are not enough margaritas in the world to keep me from missing my mountain man.  Reindeer gumbo is right up his alley.  Keep on trekking!  Enjoy the journey!  Can’t wait to see the photos.  Mama Goltry

Posted by: Tory Goltry on

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