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Aconcagua: Cifelli & Team Relax and Rest at Base Camp

Base Camp : Rest Day Before Moving to Camp 1

We spent the first true “rest day” since leaving the trailhead 5 days ago. Yesterday’s carry to Camp 1 was challenging.  This was and will be the most elevation gain in a single day aside from Summit Day. Combine the gain with the continued challenges that come with acclimatization and it was tough. The downtime on the legs and lungs has been greatly appreciated by all.

Whether it was reading, visiting with new friends, playing Kings in the Corner and Farkle, hiking, or just taking some time for self care, we each found something to enjoy and make the most of our time together on this Mountain.

Climbing forces one to be in the “now”. Focusing on each step to sure our footing. Employing the rest step to sustain and finish a long, steep ascent.  The kind that has you praying for a “long” traverse. Pressure breathing to best utilize the oxygen available to you. You focus on what you can control. Not what happened yesterday, or possibly what greater challenges await tomorrow. You tend to the now. Conversely, you “let go” of what you can’t control and you practice trusting others to handle those things. As such, each day the bond of the team grows stronger.

Tomorrow we move to Camp 1 and “really” begin to climb this mountain. We will Largely be out of touch except for text messages from a satellite device. We will have minimal creature comforts like the ones we enjoyed on the trek in and at Base Camp. We embrace the challenge however.

We will do this one step at a time … together!

PS .  Molly - Give Hadley Bear a huge hug and kiss from Daddy!!

Climber Cameron Presley 

Comments (4)

Go go go! Rest, you are strong!. You got this! I am so proud of you. You are the best!! Move forward with confidence you have done the work to be ready!

Hugging you from afar!

Posted by: Teri Derr on

Tim, I am amazed and inspired by your incredible drive to win! Love you! Teri

Posted by: Teri Derr on

Wow how amazing. I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to see you guys have summited. I love you tons, be safe!

Posted by: Shelby on

Hey dad!! Hope you are doing well! I’m so excited for you and proud of you. This is an amazing accomplishment and I look forward to hearing about it I. March! I love you!!

Posted by: Madison Presley on

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