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Kilimanjaro: Grom & Team Check in from Barranco Camp

Hey everybody, this is Casey Grom checking in from the Kilimanjaro Climb. Just want to let everybody know that we're doing great here on Kilimanjaro. We've had some technology difficulties with our satellite modem, but luckily today I've got a little bit of cell service. So calling to let you guys know that the last couple of days have been great. We had a nice hike from the park entrance, on day one up to the forest. And yesterday we made it up to Shira Camp, up on the top of the Shira plateau. Today, Day 3, we made our way up to Lava Tower which was about 15,000', sort of a high point for a number of folks on the trip.  I am hoping to get that satellite modem going here at some point and will try to get a few pictures out  to everybody. Currently the team is doing really well and the weather's been pretty nice for the most part. We just wrapped up dinner here and we're going to head to bed shortly. Our game plan for the next couple days, in they off chance that we can't get a message out, tomorrow we're going to climb the Barranco wall and make our way over to Karanga Valley which will be our last camp before we move up to our High Camp and make our Summit attempt from there. Our goal is going to be to try to get to the summit around 7:00 or 8:00 in the morning on Sunday morning for us. So that'll be Saturday evening for a lot of folks back home.

Just checking in all is good, and we look forward to getting some pictures to everybody as soon as we get an opportunity. So keep your fingers crossed we have good weather for the climb and we'll check in as soon as we can.

Thanks for following,

RMI Guide Casey Grom

RMI Guide Casey Grom checks in from Barranco Camp, Kilimanjaro.

Comments (4)

Just a few short years ago the climbing bug got you. It’s unreal you are ascending Kilimanjaro.
So incredibly excited and happy for you. Look forward to some great pics and stories. Wow!

Brian and Terrie

Posted by: Brian and Terrie Reed on

Kaitlin! Have an amazing time! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures! Good luck

Posted by: Steve on

Sending Grom & Team best wishes for safe travels and great weather as you ascend the mountain.  So proud of Kaitlin as she has planned and trained for this for so long.  Can’t wait for photos and stories. 
Hugs and love to all!

Posted by: Lori on

We’re sending best wishes for smooth and safe travels to Grom & team!
Continuing prayers for optimal weather!
Thanks Casey for the update!
Hugs and love to Shawn & Randy,
❤️ Peg & Greg

Posted by: Peg on

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