Mexico’s Volcanoes: Westling & Team Reach top of La Malinche
The team had an early start to the day, leaving Mexico City and driving to our acclimatization hike.
We began our ascent at 10,000 feet, weaving our way through the forest until we were greeted with a view of the snowy North face of La Malinche. Despite the snow up high, it was a beautiful and warm day to stretch our legs.
Our team had a successful summit of La Malinche (14,640 feet) that was made perfect by views of Ixta, Orizaba and even an erupting Popo.
Spirits are high as we prepare for Ixta in the coming days!
-RMI Guide Abby Westling and Team
Comments (1)
Looks amazing
Posted by: Nancy Elser on