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Kilimanjaro: Grom & Team Enter Kilimanjaro National Park

Hello Everyone

We awoke early today and left behind the comforts of our beautiful lodge and have headed to the mountain towards the start of the climb. We hit the road shortly before 8am we drove along the rural country side for two hours to reach the park entrance. Most of the area surrounding Kilimanjaro has been cultivated and primarily used for coffee production and for a variety of other agriculture needs, but there are still some areas that have been untouched and resemble more of a savannah that Tanzania is known for.

The base of Kilimanjaro is forested and resembles a jungle or cloud forest. Traditionally it supports a large part of the banana production for this area. Lucky for us it was cloudy, which made for wonderful hiking conditions.

Once at the gate we had all of our gear weighed and divided into 20kg loads for our porters to carry before hitting the trail. Once everything was in order we started our climb slowly making our way up the winding trail. It was slightly busier than last week, but the team made good time.

The team just finished an amazing hot meal and are looking forward to a good night of sleep at a little bit of exercise.

RMI Guide Casey Grom and the Kili crew.

Comments (3)

Good luck to all of you - amazing journey! Cory - you better take a lot of pictures!

Posted by: Dennis Quimby on

Have a lovely evening, mountaineers! Sending you good vibes and look forward to updates. We love you, Scottie! Be well.  Victoria and the girls.  Cheering and the crew on from Oak Park, Illinois

Posted by: Victoria on

Thank you again Cory for inviting us along to share your journey as you make this climb, we are all cheering back here in MN for a victory summit celebration for you and your fellow climbers!  Wishing everyone good health and good climbing conditions!

Posted by: Bobbie Jo O'Loughlin on

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