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Kilimanjaro: Hahn and Team Set Out on the Trek

We woke up to low clouds over Rivertrees Inn… but that has been an everyday kind of thing, so it wasn’t much of a concern.  We had our breakfast and did our last-minute packing and gear sorting and then boarded the team bus at 8 AM. 

It took about two hours to get to the Machame Gate of Kilimanjaro National Park.  We did a lot of people watching on the way, seeing how Tanzanians go about day-to-day life.  And we watched the plants and vegetation change as the bus climbed up to the 6000 ft gate.   As expected, there was a little time to kill at the park entrance as the permitting process was completed.  We used the time to review efficient walking strategies and to discuss the terrain that lay ahead.  Finally, at about 10:30, we got walking with our staff of local guides.  Tom, Naiman, Phillibet, and John set the perfect pace, as usual.  We had about four thousand vertical feet to climb in about six miles.  Before long we were climbing in the clouds rather than under them.  It was easy to understand why the thick forest had moss on every surface.  The cool conditions made for the perfect walking temperature. The trail was a little muddy and slimy underfoot, but not to the point that you’d sink into the muck.  We didn’t have much trouble with traction or with maintaining a steady pace.  We took a few breaks for snacks and water, but by mid-afternoon the forest was changing to smaller trees, and it was clear that we were getting somewhere.  We came out above the clouds and the trail dried out.  The last hour or so into camp was in fine, blue sky and sunshine weather.  We rolled in at 3:30. Such a pleasure then to see that our staff already had camp built and ready for us.  We just had to move in and enjoy life at 10,000 ft.  That got easier when the last clouds above fell away and Kibo (Kilimanjaro’s central peak) came out for sunset. 

We spent the time before dinner staring at the giant rock walls and impossibly steep ice fields and glaciers. In our dining tent, we had a great feast and a little story time as John -our lead guide- explained his progression into becoming a full climbing guide, 255 Kili summits ago. The team checked out a few Southern Hemisphere stars before crawling into tents and calling it a day.  A good day. 

Best Regards,

RMI Guide Dave Hahn & Team

Comments (6)


Well, you started off smiling, so that’s good.  Be safe!


Posted by: Hutchins, Jacqueline on

Sounds like an awesome day one! Enjoy getting high above 10,000ft!

Posted by: Missy on

Von and group,

So great to follow along on your adventure! We are rooting for all of you to have a safe and successful climb. The grandkids are already missing their Papa, but Ethan keeps telling everyone that Papa is on a trip hiking a mountain!

Jen, Jacqueline, Keith, Ethan, and Tessa

Posted by: Jennifer Hutchins on

Hi Kim and group! We are excited to follow along on your adventure! We’re watching the updates daily! Have fun and stay safe! Alisha, Rob and Tia

Posted by: Alisha Palmer on

Great pics and narrative of day one!  Bella and Kim, we are keeping our eyes on you and are very happy to watch you realize your dream with what appears to be a great group, amazing guide, and unbelievable sherpas. Gods speed!

Posted by: Paul mann on

That was beautifully written. The pictures are great, too! It sounds like you all had an amazing day.

Posted by: Diana Lowe on

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