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Kilimanjaro: Hahn and Team Reach Barafu Camp

Yet another perfect weather day, calm and sunny… clear above and cloudy below. We ate breakfast in Karanga Camp and then said a temporary goodbye to two of our climbers.  John Bobbitt aggravated an old knee injury and Erika Bobbitt wanted to make sure he got down safely.  They set off for the Mweka Gate of the park as we set off for high camp at 8:30 AM. In an easy three hours, we had climbed the 2000’ vertical feet up to Barafu and begun to settle in.  From 15,100 ft, we now had unobstructed views of our climbing route to the top.

The afternoon was taken up with resting and getting our gear and clothing ready for our planned alpine start. Chef Benson’s fine spaghetti dinner was served early so that we could get to bed just before sunset. We want as much rest as we can get before our 11:15 PM wake-up time.

Best Regards,

RMI Guide Dave Hahn & Team

Comments (2)

You’re almost there!  Enjoy every step of the way!

Posted by: Sarah & Ella on

This is an experience of a lifetime.  We can’t imagine natures beauty as you climb tonight, the stars must be spectacular.  Good Luck to all!  Can’t wait to hear the stories and see the pictures!  As I write you must be getting up and ready.  Mom and Dad

Posted by: Bruce Cumback on

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