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Denali Expedition: Hahn and Team Reach Summit!

Monday, July 4, 2022 - 1:50 a.m. PDT

Briefly…Because it is 12:38 a.m. at 17,200 ft…we did it! Fabulous climb to the top of North America. The day started out a little more windy than predicted, so we pushed our start back to 10:15 a.m., by which time thinks were looking more promising. We went back and forth all day between a little cool and a little hot. Luckily, when we hit the top at 6:30 p.m., it was calm and easy.  In fact we enjoyed it so much we spent 50 minutes on top! There was only one other team today and we will likely be some of the very last for the season. Beautiful views down into all the fascinating glaciers and valleys surrounding Denali. We picked our way carefully down, leaving the summit at 7:20 p.m. and arriving back at high camp at 11:00 p.m. Late night dinner and then crawling into sleeping bags for well earned rest. 

Best Regards,

RMI Guide Dave Hahn and team

Comments (10)

nice to visit this site.

Posted by: Ruhiarsha on

Congratulations to Jim Karmozyn and the entire team on reaching the summit!  I knew you could do it.

Posted by: Ted Wioncek on

Congratulations to Yifei and the entire team! You’ve worked so hard for this and now you are literally on top of the world! Can’t wait to hear all the stories!

Posted by: VJ Ammar on

Happy 4th of July and congratulations to you all on such a wonderful accomplishment! 
Way to go team!!!!  Safe travels on your return! 

Diana and Tom

Posted by: Diana Weiss on

Congrats on the summit! So glad you were able to make it despite the winds! Best of luck on your way down and across the lower Kahiltna to basecamp.

Posted by: Steve Marker on

Fabulous!!!  So EXCITING!!!
Thank you for sharing your updates.
Brings joy to my soul knowing there are people like you, out there experiencing the amazing wonders of this beautiful earth.
Thinking of you all and been cheering for you all everyday.

Posted by: PrairieSky on

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!  So very proud of all of you for your most amazing accomplishment and adventure!  What an experience!!!!!!  My heart sings!  Have a safe journey down and know you are among the few who dare to accomplish their dreams!

Posted by: Deborah Karmozyn on

Congratulations!!!  Very exciting!!  Safe travels home and what a way to spend the 4th of July!!

Posted by: Kent and Becky Nutting on

Wow!  Well done EVERYONE!  You did it!!


Posted by: Margaret Nolan on

You ARE AMAZING!!! So proud of all of you!! Congratulations!!! You did it!!! Safe journey down and we’ll see you soon!!
Happy 4th!!!


Posted by: Sharon Karmozyn on

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