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Denali Expedition: Bond & Team Move to 17,000ft High Camp

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - 11:42 pm PT

Let me tell you about the pain cave. It’s made of self doubt stalactites and poorly spaced foot buckets where you think you have found purchase with your crampons and yet they slide again and again. It’s got stalagmites forged from the tears of mountaineers who came before you. It’s a fearsome place indeed. But we are a powerful team and WE CARRY ON.

That is right readers, this intrepid group scaled the hairy fixed lines once again to move our camp to 17,000' today. What stroke of luck to have such incredible weather for our move day. To be traversing the airy Washburns’s Thumb in nothing but a sun hoody is the stuff of dreams. Our RMI guides continue to provide important services such as lying to us about the steepness of the grade on the trail we cannot yet see, and assurances that today will likely be considered a harder day than our planned summit day tomorrow. Andy, keep up the bluffing, it’s working like a charm.

Todays highlights included Steve’s reunion with his hula hoop, the view from 17 Camp when we finally arrived, the fact that most of us are higher than we’ve ever been, and the team spirit embodied by Yann who selflessly swung into action helping his teammates set up tents when they arrived exhausted. There was also the traffic on the running belays which was reminiscent of Seattle’s I-5, but really, who can complain when it’s a fraction of the normal peak season crowd.

With a bit of rest this evening, some much needed calories (an entire mountain house plus snacks), and a continuous deep well of motivation to draw from, we sit eager with anticipation for tomorrow - the big day!!!

RMI Climber Holly

Comments (6)

Love that you guys are embracing the suck! Go team, Go!

Posted by: Steve Polovick on

Team Bond you’re crushing it! Keep pushing through the pain and moving forward. Looking forward to hearing about you conquering summit day.

Posted by: Cortney on

What a terrific read.  Pull them up Bond!!  Get some.

Posted by: Bob Lindskov on

Awesome!!! We are all anxiously awaiting your summit post and confirmation that the highest hula hooping record has set!

Posted by: Lee Carby on

Team Bond, glad all is going so well and hope for continued good weather. Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished thus far and definitely can’t wait to hear about the summit . Great update, Holly! Stay focused and safe! Wink

Posted by: Wink Cline on

You all are such rockstars!  I am left in awe of each day’s accomplishments even what you all call rest days.  Thank goodness Steve and his hula hoop have been reunited.  He’ll need it to get up to the summit and break that record.  Go Team Bond!!

Posted by: Melanee Strootman on

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