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Denali Expedition: Hahn & Team Carry to 9,700’

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 - 9:43 pm PT

We set out at 6:30 AM today for a carry of food and fuel.  Skies were clear and winds were calm as we walked through the early morning shadows up Ski Hill.  Ski Hill wouldn’t actually have been such great skiing with about a half dozen crevasses opening up, but it wasn’t bad for walking.  We enjoyed great views of Denali’s steep South Face and of the rocky southern aspect of Kahiltna Dome.  Our loads were considerably lighter than those we carried yesterday and we made good time.  The terrain got easier as we cruised along the plateau before Kahiltna Pass.  We cached at 9700 ft at about 10 AM, burying the supplies deep enough to thwart the ravens.  It took just over an hour to descend to camp, by which time the sun was getting quite strong.  We did a few camp chores before diving in the tents to snooze the afternoon away.  It was burrito night on the Kahiltna.  We filled up and most of the team was getting ready to turn in -under skies that had clouded up- by 7:30. 

The plan is to move on up to 11,000' Camp tomorrow if the weather cooperates. 

Best Regards

RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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