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Denali Expedition: Smith & Team Carry Gear Above 14,000’ Camp

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - 9:56 pm PT

Hey hey hey,

You freeze, you fry they say in the mountains and oh did we do both. A frosty morning greeted us as we packed for our carry and ate our cherrios. Hot coffee brings you to your happy place as you thaw your fingers on the vessel. It's a quick walk to the edge of camp before the terrain steepens and we approach the bergschrund where the fixed lines begin. It's steep gaining the West Buttress but man are the views great. A birds eye view of 14,000' Camp give perspective along with the grandeur of everything around us. We bumped just another couple vertical feet up the Buttress before digging our hole for our cache. The morning started cold but soon turned to hot when the sun arrive. By time we got to our cache it was windy and clouds were swirling around us. As we retraced our steps back to the fixed lines we lost the wind and then entered a mega heat bubble. The temps swing so drastically, so quickly out here. It was a solid day of work today that deserves a rest day tomorrow. We are now in position to wait for a weather window to go for our summit bid.

Here's to waiting and being pateient,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and Team

Comments (4)

CJ - Great progress. Best of luck on your summit push.

Posted by: Bill Hanna on

N&Y - Excited for u2!!  Good luck with the summit push.  We’ll be cheering you on and sending positive mojo.!!  Love you both and can’t wait to see pics and hear all about it.  Tim & Ellen

Posted by: Tim Lewis on

What a view! Just followed this expedition and read through the whole blogs. You all are doing so great!!! I’m so excited for Big L. and everyone on the team! Wish you all the perfect weather window and a successful summit!

- Big Cat -

Posted by: knox on

Sending happy summit vibes your way! Doing a sun dance for you all. Go kick some a**!

Posted by: Walker on

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