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Denali Expedition: Smith & Team Take Rest Day at 14,000’

Monday, June 20, 2022 - 8:39 pm PT

Hello all,

Well today is a low reporting day. It was a rest day. We rested. We ate. We napped. We reviewed skills. And we ate dinner. Rest days can be hard. Hard to not think about home. Hard to not think about the summit, on whether you have what it takes or not. Just hard to not get inside your head too much. That's where napping comes into play. One can simply dream of something else. These rest days are important though for our bodies to recover. Recover so we can have a good carry day and later a good move and summit. Tomorrow, as long as the weather holds, we will carry our gear higher so that we are in position to move to High Camp. Snow flurries have danced all day, so hopefully they take a rest from their twirling, dancing fall from the sky and allow us to have a good day.

Talk tomorrow,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and Team

Comments (3)

Sending Strong thoughts for a Strong Team and and make sure you tell your Team they have an Awesome Guide Hannah!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

Enjoy your well deserved day of rest!  Sending positive thoughts your way - you are all going to make it!!!
Love from IngaLisa’s Mom

Posted by: Irene Wickstrom on

Wow!  So high up the head wall.  Love the Garmin.  Congrats!  Eager to hear about the summit!

Posted by: Eloise Loeffler on

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