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Denali Expedition: Smith and Team Arrive in Talkeetna

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the start of our Denali Expedition!

The team arrived in Alaska yesterday. After loading 24 duffels into the van, equaling far too many pounds to mention, we made our way to the launching point of our trip: Talkeetna. Talkeetna means where the rivers meet and it is also where many different groups of people meet. It is a dead end down bustling with energy and great food. Tourist from cruises, climbers sunburned and ravenous, fresh climbers with wide eyes and eager all gather at the various restaurants to enjoy a drink and soak in the scenery. 

Today was our prep day to get ready to fly tomorrow. After a scrumptious breakfast and several cups of coffee we headed to the hanger and exploded our gear. Before committing to the glacier we need to make sure everyone has the appropriate gear. The team passed with fly colors. Once all our gear was back in our duffle and backpack we divided the team into two for the planes. First we weighed each climber followed by their backpack and their duffle. We are carrying a lot of weight but looking at this team I think they are going to handle it just fine. With everything weighed and sorted we are set to jet in the morning. As long as the weather holds and clouds stay away, tonight will be our last night in a bed, last time flushing a toilet, and last time with cell service. Here's to disconnecting and enjoying the wilderness of Denali for the next few weeks. 

Climb on,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and Team 

Comments (4)

You go Grand daughter!! So excited for you. Looking forward to seeing you when you come down.

Posted by: Nancy Chenay on

Excited for this blog and all the updates! Go Nathan, Yvonne and Team!! So grateful you have amazing guides for this adventure! <3

Posted by: Ellen Lewis on

Kiira and team:




Posted by: Richard on

Go team!  Have fun and climb high & safe.  So grateful for the blogs, Hannah.  Looking forward to more.  Go CJ!  CJ’s Tante E

Posted by: Eloise-Marie Loeffler on

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