Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb Teams Reach the Summit!
Posted by: Andy Bond, Ellison Boord, George Hedreen, Bryan Mazaika, Keeley Rideout, Michael Murray
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

Our Five Day Climb May 28 - 1 June, reached the summit of Mt. Rainier today led by RMI Guides Andy Bond and Bryan Mazaika. Andy reported a beautiful climb this morning without any winds. The route is very direct and the teams training over the last few days set them up well for the climb.
The photo was taken by Andy on their ascent at around 13,300'. The teams will return to Camp Muir and repack then continue their descent to Paradise.
They will conclude their program this afternoon at Rainier BaseCamp.
Congratulations to today's climbers!
Comments (2)
Congratulations guys!! you did it! Looking forward to our climb on July 5th!! I hope the weather will allow us to reach the top as well.
Posted by: richard philippides on
It was one of great experience to hike Mt. Rainier. Thanks a lot to RMI for providing all the support.
Special thanks to all guides Bryan, Andy, Michael, Keely, George and Ellison, with you guys we will not have great experience. Thanks for providing all the training and taking care all of us (like family member). Looking forward to have more expeditions with you guys.
Also thanks to all expedition members, learned lot from you guys.
Posted by: Umesh Patel on