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Denali Expedition: Champion and Team Cache at 10,000’

We woke up to nearly perfect weather. Cool temperatures, clear skies and close to no breeze.

After a quick breakfast of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, we loaded up our packs and sleds with group meals, personal food, and some technical gear we wouldn't need over the next few days and embarked on our first carry. Yesterday was a long hard slog, but luckily the only time we move all our food and gear uphill, from here on our we will be carrying food and gear uphill, caching it, climbing past it to our next camp, and then doing a back carry to go get it. So that's exactly what we did today. We carried our gear from the base of ski hill, up towards our next camp and cached it near 10,000'.

Tomorrow we will hopefully move to 11 camp and go get the cache the following day. For now, we are all back at camp, resting in the shade, eating snacks, and prepping for our move tomorrow!

RMI Guide Nikki Champion and Team

Comments (10)

One safe step at a time, Rob. You are impressive. What a breathtaking experience.  Keep at it!
Sending you sisterly love, and support to you and your team!

Posted by: Lynn on

Rob go Rob Go. My the force be with you. Cheering you on in spirit from Gina Rae.

Posted by: Gina Rae Hendrickson on

Keep the Cinnamon Toast Crunch flowing - glad you’re getting in all of the food groups.  We’re following closely and cheering you all on! #LLLL

Posted by: T and B on

Way to go Rob. We are cheering you on. Hoping the weather Gods are with you. You’re our hero. Stay safe.

Posted by: Lindsay Andrews on

Woohoo. My bro, Rob, is challenging himself again. So proud of you, and all with whom you are sharing this journey. Praying for beauty and peace throughout your adventure.

Posted by: Robin on

Great start- best wishes.

Posted by: Jill Johnson on

Katy and I are cheering you on!!!
Stay safe and enjoy your adventure.

Posted by: John Shaw on

Great news. Hope the weather continues to be good. Stay safe and enjoy the trip.

Posted by: Bob Edge on

What an amazing adventure! We’re rooting for you all and living vicariously through you. Go Rob!
Rob’s team.

Posted by: Nick Weidle on

Rob’s fan club is happy to hear the expedition is going according to plan!  Only a minor concern that too much peanut butter in Rob’s cache may lead to withdrawal symptoms or anxiety if he didn’t leave enough in his backpack!  best wishes to all of you!  Stay healthy and safe.  ❤️

Posted by: Patty on

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