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Kilimanjaro: Grom & Team Arrive in Arusha, Tanzania

Checking in with RMI's 1st Kilimanjaro Climb of 2022! Great to finally be back in Africa.

All is well here in Tanzania as the team arrived late last night after some very long flights. A few new procedures getting through customs but everything went pretty smoothly. It was a short and peaceful ride to our Lodge that is nestled in between Arusha and Moshi and not so far from the base of Kilimanjaro. The team had a quick dinner and headed for bed as the time change had us all feeling just a little off and pretty tired after all the traveling.

Today we had a leisurely morning with our group meeting after breakfast , where we did a round of introductions and then discussed the upcoming program for the days ahead. The team spent the remainder of the day getting our gear packed up, exploring the grounds of our peaceful Lodge and dodging the gaggle of monkeys patrolling the grounds.

We wrapped up the evening with a delicious meal and plenty of friendly conversations. Everyone is doing well and excited to be here. 

RMI Guide Casey Grom and the Kili crew!

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