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Aconcagua: Scott & Team Rest and Acclimatize at Camp 2

Today we rested once again. Our plan had been to move to high camp today, but once again our plans were changed due to the longest stretch of windy weather seen on this mountain in the month of January. Fortunately, the winds are forecasted to drop significantly over the next few days which is lucky for us since we only have the next two days to pull off a summit. Everyone is doing well and adjusting to the altitude perfectly. By the time we pull the trigger on a summit attempt I expect we will be so well acclimatized that we will all sprint to the top of this mountain. All of you at home send us some good vibes and cross your fingers that the winds give the window we need to stand on the top of South America!

RMI Guide Nick Scott

Comments (3)

Steve and All,
Hope those winds have blown themselves out by now.  All the best for submitting! 

Posted by: Karen & Rob on

Sending good vibes and all fingers and toes crossed that the winds and weather give you the break you all need and deserve to reach the summit!!  Here’s to standing on the top of South America!! XO

Posted by: Coeli Scott on

Hey Nick, I climbed with you a few years ago. I wish you and your team perfect weather for the rest of your climb. You have paid your dues on some harsh weather! Climb strong!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

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