Aconcagua Expedition: Scott & Team Carry to Camp 1

Done and dusted! The team just crushed what is objectively the most difficult day of the trip outside of summit day. The packs are the heaviest, the altitude change is the hardest, and nerves and anxiety are usually pretty high. Everyone is always wondering how they will perform. Well, every member of this crew absolutely styled the carry! I couldn’t be prouder of all of them and all of you friends and family at home should be equally as proud. Now they have the rest of the afternoon to chill and enjoy a huge BBQ lunch prepared by our killer basecamp crew. Woohoo! Feels good to have the first one done. We will be taking another rest day tomorrow to help increase our chances of better acclimating before making the move to Camp one. High fives all around!
Ode to the Rest Step
My dearest rest step, you are the absolute best
With every foot placement you give us a micro rest
These tests that make climbing the alpine possible
Even with the heaviest pack you make us feel invincible!
And when you remember to pressure breath we can climb with no reprieve.
Oh rest step, with you we will never stop,
And we will always make the mountain top!
-unknown 42yr old Portland Poet
Comments (6)
Especially Jake!
Posted by: Team Pizza on
Congratulations everyone! The rest is well deserved!
Posted by: Coeli Scott on
Didn’t realize that Ferlighetti wasfrom Portland.
Posted by: A. Ginsberg on
Wohoo great job everyone!!!
Posted by: Hedy on
looking great team!
Posted by: carron on
Sweet! Certainly looks like a great place to “chill”...
Posted by: Joe Dietz on