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Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb Enjoys Training at Camp Muir

The Five Day Climb August 30 - 3 September completed their program.  The team met on Monday for their Orientation and Equipment check, then headed out the next day above Paradise for a full day of Mountaineering School.  With their glacier travel training complete the team ascended 4.5 miles to Camp Muir on Tuesday.  They spent two nights at Camp Muir and were able to explore the route up to 11,300', the group was unable to make a summit attempt due to route conditions.  However, they did get in some crevasse rescue training.  Today the group finished up a bit more training before packing up and descending to Paradise.

Congratulations team - we hope you enjoyed your time on the mountain!

Comments (2)

Thanks to the guide team and my fellow hikers for helping to get the most that the mountain would allow.  Hard to beat being on a glacier in a spectacular landscape.  Hike On!

Posted by: Steven McKenna on

Thats so cool to spend so much time on the mountain. Blessed.

Posted by: Bryan Lundgaard on

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