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Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar - Paradise Spend the Week Training

The All-Women’s Expedition Skills Seminar – Paradise led by RMI Guide Devin Wilkinson wrapped up their week by climbing to Ingraham Flats to watch the sunrise. Warm temperatures and overhead hazards on the climbing route prevented the team from reaching the summit safely. 

The team has spent the last five days on the upper slopes of Mt. Rainier developing their expedition skills beginning with ice axe use and cramponing techniques and moving on to more advanced skills such as anchor placements, various self and team crevasse rescue techniques, steep technical ice climbing, belays, rappelling, knots, route finding and fixed rope travel. Evening lectures in camp include group discussions on mountain weather, medicine for mountaineering, altitude wellness and equipment.

Congratulations to our All-Women’s team!

Comments (3)

Congratulations to this incredible group! Thanks for the post and sharing the photo. Spectacular!

Posted by: Barbara McQueeney on

Proud of everyone! Amazing accomplishment nonetheless!

Posted by: Kimmy on

Congratulations on a great week of challenges and training.  Proud of what you all have accomplished. Glad everyone is safe. Gordon

Posted by: Gordon Hughes on

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