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Denali Expedition: Smith & Team Waiting Game Options

Saturday, June 26, 2021 - 9:51 pm PT

Hello all,

Our waiting game is coming to an end. If we wake tomorrow and the winds look good we will head to 17K Camp to get in position for the summit. Camp has been very busy with teams carrying to 17K, moving into 14K Camp, and others getting ready for their move to 17K Camp. Lots of excitment and chatter roaming through the camp. We will see what happens. I know we are all ready to tackle the remaining six thousand feet of this mountain. We have been staring at it for over a week. Since tomorrow may be an early day, its early to bed for the team. We may have a big day ahead of us.


RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

Comments (4)

It’s all about the timing and you earned your window! May the stars align & let you enjoy the experience!
Anxious to hear and see what the view is like.
Beanie will not be letting you out the door!

Posted by: Judy collins on

Praying for great weather and your successful summit!!! Onwards and upwards you all go…
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”
— T.S. Eliot

So crazy proud of my daughter Julia and the entire team!

DJ aka DeeDee

Posted by: Daysi Johansson on

LULU, this is it…I can feel it…patience always pays…and now it’s pay day.  As we say “Den som väntar på något gott kan aldrig vänta för länge” We are all praying for the winds to lay down and the temperatures to treat you fairly and that the mighty mountain will also hear our prayers and let you on her Summit.

Posted by: Stefan Johansson on

My son Hector Hernandez is with you. I just want to say hello to everybody and ask how is he doing with his knees.

I lift up my eyes to the hills.
  From where does my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
  who made heaven and earth.
Have a great time!!

Posted by: Laura Fernandez on

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