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Denali Expedition: Smith & Team Wait Patiently at 14,000 Camp

Howdy all,

One of the most important traits to have in expedition style climbing is patience. Patience to wait for a window that will give you the best odds to reach your goal: to safely summit the mountain. We are currently testing our patience waiting for the best opportunity for the team to move to 17,000' Camp and go for the summit. Rest days or waiting days can get long and can be quite boring but they are necessary. The down time can be hard and your mind can drift to family and friends and your life back home, but its important to keep your head here and in the game. Lots of tent time, snacking, reading, and Netflix occupy our time. We did get to greet a RMI team who came down from 17,000' Camp after a successful summit. It was fun seeing friendly faces and hearing about the route. It makes us that more excited to get up there. In due time it will be our turn. Till then we wait.

Till tomorrow,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

Comments (4)

Wishing a great and fair weathered summit bid to the entire team! Happy birthday at my bad a$$ little sister who just turned 20 at 17k!!!

Posted by: Paulina Johansson on

BJ - thinking of you and continuing to wish you and your group the very best.  You’re almost there!  I am proud of you and I love you.

Posted by: Anna Geigle on

Tell your team that I said they Have AWESOME Guides!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

Sending Best Climbing Wishes Hannah and Dustin!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

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