Denali Expedition: Smith & Team Move to 11K Camp
Posted by: Hannah Smith, Dustin Wittmier, Devin Guffey
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 11,200'

Sunday, June 13, 2021 - 9:25 pm PT
Excitement is high as we made it to 11K Camp today. Before waking to break down camp and hit the snow highway, we got a chance to congratulate Mike King and team on their successful expedition as they made their way to the airstrip. Its easy to let your mind wander to what luxuries they will get while we pull heavy sleds with heavy packs. But we have to stay focus because our journey has just begun. Part of the excitment of today is knowing that this was our last day hauling all our gear at once. From here on out we will begin doing carries which will lessen the overall weight on our bodies. Today is also exciting because we get to settle in for a few days, which I like to call nesting, creating a cozy home. Tomorrow morning we won't have to wake early and break down camp but instead we will enjoy a well desereved rest day. Relaxing, recovering, eating and sleeping is the name of the game for tomorrow.
Talk to you all tomorrow,
RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team
Comments (6)
Looks amazing - well done to all the team !! Stay safe. These updates and pictures are just brilliant to see and get, thank you for sharing. We miss and love you loads Hollie and Shane. x x x
Looking forward to more pictures
Posted by: Kelly, David Kyla, Cameron & Cole on
BJ - I am so impressed with your accomplishment and I wish you and your team the very best and safest trip going forward. I miss you and I love you tremendously. Take good care of yourself. Anna Geigle
Posted by: Anna Geigle on
What an adventure! We are roasting at 100 degrees & so nice to see snow! Excited about checking your news every day! Enjoy your rest after all the work getting there! Best to all you hardy souls!
Posted by: Judy & Dale on
Thank you for the awesome updates and photos. I’m sure you’re all happy for the rest day and dragging less weight in the coming days!
Posted by: Heather Collins on
Hi Everyone - Great to hear you’ve made it to 11K Camp and a rest day. Well-deserved—Ski Hill looked like a formidable hike, even WITHOUT gear! I’m sure you’re looking forward to sprints, lighter packs, and coming home to your comfy tents next few days. Looking forward to pics of lounging, laughing, and igloo-building.
All the best,
PS - I’ll stop complaining about carrying that extra towel to the beach!
Posted by: Pam on
We are so excited for the team and love these updates. You are all amazing to be hauling all that weight, and it’s great to know you will be “nesting” for a bit, a luxury in itself! Love the photos!!! We love our Lu aka Julia … warm Bahamas weather is within reach!
Posted by: Daysi Johansson on