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Denali Expedition: King and Team Cache Gear at 9500’

Friday, May 28, 2021 -  5:09pm PT

We had another stormy night here at the base of ski hill. We woke to clear skies and decided to try and move some food and fuel towards Kahiltna Pass and the turn up to 11,200’ camp. 30 minutes into the day the wind picked up and the loose snow started spinning. With some warm gloves and a few layers we leaned into the very consistent and very cold 15 mph wind and took it an hour at a time. Eventually we got to 9500’ which met the goal for the day. The ravens will dig up shallow caches so we dug a deep hole and buried our food and fuel. We beat feet down to camp and are currently enjoying some sun on the tents while that very consistent 15 mph wind spins snow everywhere.

We’ll see what we get tomorrow and a move to 11,200’ is planned.

RMI Guide Mike King & Team

Comments (4)

Farmer Dave to Brother Tom….Remember You are Tough as Nails!!! Sing a little John Denver, that will always make things seem perfect!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

Good luck to the whole team

Posted by: Cathy H on

All the fitness and power training is coming together.
Safe passage on your journey team.
Thanks, Alex for the updates they are enjoyable to read.
Be safe Michael.
Mom and Dad Fortier

Posted by: Robert Fortier on

Way to go team!!  Climb high

The Salata Girls

Posted by: Lori Salata on

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