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Aconcagua: Smith & Team Settling In at 18,000’

On the road again! We said goodbye to Aconcagua Camp 1 today and hello to Camp 2. It was a beautiful morning for breaking down camp, with virtually no wind and the sun shining down on us. As we waited for the porters to come help carry some gear, we saw a furry critter scamper across the slopes above. Our guess is it was a fox. Its always exciting see wildlife. After jamming out to tunes in our respective earbuds, we arrived at camp. Camp was a lot quieter from when we left it on our carry day. Other teams moved to high camp, creating space for us. Once again we set up camp and began nesting in our new home. Summit day is just around the corner, but first we will do a carry to high camp tomorrow and rest the following day. The air is a little colder at our new camp. The zipper on our sleeping bags will go a tad higher tonight to keep in the warmth.

Happy friday everyone,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

On The Map

Comments (7)

Doing great Pops! Wonderful to see your progress and a picture of you! Keep up the good work! We love you!
Love, Noel, Xander, and Nora

Posted by: Noel Imfeld on

Keep on Trucking Sue!  You are going to nail this one!

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on

Hi Dad and team,

Thank you so much for the updates and the amazing pictures. It has been such a joy being able to follow your journey and know everyone is thriving and is safe. It’s great to see everyone happy and healthy! Wishing you all strong legs and lungs for the trek to the summit.

Not much new here. We had 3 days of a little snow, which led to most of the Seattle/PNW “shutting down.” Back to rain.

Posted by: ChrisBOCarlton on

Marc and Crew,

The Mountains are calling and you must go!  May your Summit inspire connection to the ineffable.  Sending Big Love -  Ann

Posted by: Ann Cook on

Onward & upward! Great to see how good you all look! Enjoy your sleep & tomorrows trek up! You are getting close but looks like the journey has been spectacular! Awesome posts all along, Hannah.

Posted by: Judy & Dale Collins on

Awesome. One big push and a little relaxation before the summit! Go Sue and team. Love you

Posted by: CJ MAMER on

It’s so great to see photos of the group and hear about the progress you’re making. Wishing you the best on your journey to the high camp. Sending love to you Byron!

Posted by: Heather Collins on

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