Ecuador Seminar: Knoff and Team Summit Cotopaxi

I am pleased to announce that our Ecuador Seminar team successfully reached the glorious summit of Cotopaxi today at 6:45 am, a mere six hours after leaving the hut in near perfect weather. As we gathered outside preparing ourselves for launch we were greeted with a stunning view of the Southern Hemisphere’s most notable constellation, the Southern Cross, perched directly over the summit which was illuminated beautifully in half powered moonlight. With almost no wind and warm temps, our climb was a drastic contrast to the experience on Cayambe. There were certainly more climbers sharing the mountain but all in all the climbing was very manageable and the route was perfect. Along with the the great weather, we were blessed with a stunning view of night time Quito, 50 miles to the north looking like a long orange fire against the backdrops of numerous volcanoes.
Upon reaching the summit we were bummed to be missing two of our team members still struggling to overcome annoying chest infections but we took plenty of pictures to show them the crater and expansive vistas. After an almost flawless descent I provided a bit of unneeded excitement by taking the wrong trail off of the glacier resulting in steep screen sliding but we found the hut and eventually the bus, waiting patiently in the parking lot ready to zip us to showers, internet and cervesas.
As I write this I am sitting in another 400+ year old hacienda, beer in hand, showing our gracious hosts the incredible pictures of this mornings climb. All I keep saying is what a great day and climb it was. We all hope Chimborazo treats us the same way.
Our journey is well past it’s first week so we want to let all of those following the blog know we are grateful. We all miss our families and loved ones and hope you can send positive thoughts for one more climb.
Tomorrow is a rest day as we transfer south to this planet’s actual tallest mountain. Ask google why.
Comments (4)
Adam: congrats! Your team is lucky to have you and the weather is something I hope for the next time!
Posted by: Deborah Rutter on
Fantastic everyone ! Congratulations! Wishing you good weather and climb for Chimborazo.
Posted by: Linda Dempf on
Congratulations on your Summit !! Looks like a beautiful day with a breathtaking view…Sad to hear 2 are still ill (our son Tyler being one of them). But I know they are still enjoying being part of the team in the capacity that they are able. We wish you all good health for the remaining climb and hope that the others are able to make the last one !! Cheers to you all !
Congrats to all!! Awesome that you had great weather and the quick ascent/descent means you were all pumped and ready to go! Enjoy your rest day and all the best in summiting Chimborazo.
Posted by: Jill Klores on