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Mt. Elbrus: Van Deventer & Team Descend to Base Camp

The mountain time is coming to a close. We managed to get everything stuffed into, tied to the side, or strapped under our packs and split freedom the moraine camp this morning. Loads were heavy, but we were moving with gravity, and we made it to base camp nice and quickly. It's only been a week up high, but after a week if rocks and glacier, the green of plants down low looks like it was done in technicolor. Base camp comes with perks: pizzas, caucasian pies, and cold fantas, cokes, and beers. We took the afternoon to sort gear back into duffels to be better set up for our coming flights, soak feet in the mineral springs, and enjoy a last bit of the mountain. The vans will be here in the morning for us and before we know it, we'll be back in town. The trip is not over though. Still to come, adventures in Kislovodsk and St. Petersburg. RMI Guides Pete, Mike, and team we're psyched to be done with boots

Comments (1)

Great job Marcky-poo! Cant wait to have you back at my place. Miss you and love you!

Posted by: Lindsey on

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