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Mt. Elbrus: Northside Team Summits!

We had a PERFECT summit day today. Last night's winds had calmed by morning and we got started just before 8 am. We climbed along Lenz Rocks before banking to the west and beginning the traverse across a large bowl towards the saddle between the East and West summits. The sky was brilliant blue all day without a cloud in the sky. We intersected the route to the West summit and all of the Southside climbers midway up the final pitch. The timing couldn't have been better as all of them were already descending and we had the summit entirely to ourselves, something of a rarity on Elbrus. The views over the surrounding Caucasus and the verdant green hills back towards Kislovodsk were stunning, and we spent about 30 minutes on top taking them in. Marc and Mike decided to take an extra jaunt to tag the East summit as well, while the rest of the team descended back to our camp at Lenz. We took a brief break, then packed our camp to descend further to the relative comforts of the Moraine Camp at 12,000'. With ramen to recharge us, we're headed to bed after a long, full day. We'll continue to base camp in the morning, more than likely spend the night there, then return to Kislovodsk the following day. But now, to bed. RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Mike Uchal, and team

On The Map

Comments (8)

Congratulations!!! How awesome!  Safe travels back everyone!

Posted by: Jimmy Hoadrea on

Congratulations Dan and the entire team!

Posted by: Tom Maddalena on

Congrats to the whole team for summiting. On to another attempt at Denali, Marc. Have a safe trip home !!

Posted by: David on

YES!!! Congratulations on an amazing summit! What an incredible journey for you all. I’m so excited for the entire team and so happy to know you’re getting some well deserved rest tonight. Safe journey back!

Posted by: Amanda Marzullo on

Great accomplishment!

Posted by: Pat on

CONGRATULATIONS TEAM!!!! I’m so happy to hear about your successful summit! What a great group of people! Enjoy the rest of the trip!

Posted by: Abbey on

Congrats to Marc (and the rest of the team) on a successful summit (s)

Posted by: Rona on


Posted by: Shelley on

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