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Peru Seminar: Young & Team Summit Urus Este!

Hello! Another day here in the Ishinca Valley, and another summit for your ESS-Peru Team! Around 9:00am this morning, we stood on top of Urus Este, around 17,800’, after a beautiful evening of challenging climbing where the team gave it a huge effort! It’s a lean snow year here in the Cordillera Blanca and the route was bit rockier than normal, but the team managed that challenging terrain exceptionally well. The weather was so nice on top that we were able to spend almost 45 minutes enjoying the views of the surrounding peaks and turquoise blue lakes that the Cordillera is famous for. We returned back to camp midday to a wonderful lunch, as usual, and took the afternoon to rest, recuperate, and enjoy our last day here in the Ishinca Valley after a week of calling it home. Dinner is almost served this evening, and we’re looking forward to catching a night back in the comforts of our hotel in Huaraz tomorrow evening. Shortly, we’ll find ourselves headed back to the hills for a closing climb to end our program with a bang! We’ll touch base from town tomorrow, and we’ll send some pics! RMI Guide Robby, William, Alfie, and Team Summit!

Comments (4)

Another summit conquerd. Congratulations Trey.  Enjoy being back in civilization.

Posted by: Phyllis Craig on

Love these posts! Congrats on another summit. Can’t wait to see the pics.

Posted by: Bridget on

Congratulations again!  I know those showers and beds will feel great tomorrow night!  Sounds like a great team.  Really happy you’re doing this, Ben!  I’m awed and looking forward to pics!

Posted by: Barbara W on

So proud of you Trey Craig. Love LaRay &Stevie;

Posted by: LaRay Hrytzay on

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