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Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Summit Kilimanjaro!

BIGGGGGGG DAY! We are all now at 10,000' after reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro at 19,340'. Some of us are a bit more tired than others. I guess it's to be expected. We woke at 11:30 pm, powered down some porridge, hot drinks and started the climb at 12:40 AM. There were headlights well up the mountain side already, which was a pretty thing to see. A bit of a moon allowed us to travel without headlights, at times which was very enjoyable. A bit more than seven hours put us all on top. Conditions up and down were perfect, a bit cold but that's to be expected at these elevations. It was a true test of endurance for most of the crew. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

On The Map

Comments (11)

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You guys are AMAZING!!! Katie, your myzone was so cool to look at!!! I’m so stinking proud of every single one of you! Please come home quick and tell us all about it!

Posted by: RAB on

Way to go, Prime Family!!  You are amazing and I can’t wait to hear all about it!  You are such an inspiration!

Posted by: KERI LEHMAN on

Way to go Prime Fitness Family❤️
You guys Rock !!!!!!! Can’t wait to hear all about it !

Posted by: Jill Stancombe on

You DID it!  Y’all are ROCK STARS!!!!  I know it was amazing! I know tonight will be a welcome rest at the hotel and then on to Safari!

Love you Roben, Timmy, and Joey!!!!!!!

Posted by: Tami Reitinger on

Way to go guys! So happy and proud of all of you! That is so impressive and a story of a lifetime!

Posted by: Morgan on

Awesome job guys!!!! So happy for y’all!!! Can’t wait to see the pics and hear the details of the climb! Love you and miss you Gab! Hope to hear from you soon! Your dog children are missing you too! :)

Posted by: Lee Ezell on

Woohoo!!!! I am so happy that everyone was able to summit, what a testament that is to the courage and determination and cooperation of all of you together to get everyone to the top.  I can’t wait to hear all about it and Sara I am hoping to hear from you guys soon!!! I am also happy that the weather cooperated to let you have that unbelievable experience!

Posted by: Sandy Rutter on

Congratulations to all of u!!!! You’ve accomplished something so big and will be remembered forever. To my sister Gabrielle yay!! U did it sis!!!!! So proud of u I’m sure it was a magical beautiful moment up there! Wow it’s amazing!!! Love you gabby

Posted by: Victoria on

Congratulations to all!!! What an accomplishment for everyone to be proud of. Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Thanks for the updates RMI.

Posted by: Janet McNary on

So insanely happy for you Katie and everyone else is well. This seems like a great organization and I’m glad everyone got up there safe! I hope it was fun for all of you and can’t wait to hear all of the stories and see pictures!

I love you and see you soon Katie!

Posted by: Christian Charlesworth on

This is so awesome! You guys have so much to be proud of.  To Andrea and Ali I love you guys and can’t wait to see all your pictures.

Posted by: Ken on

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