Mt. Rainier: SheJumps Four Day Climb Summits!

RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall and the SheJumps Four Day Climb stood on the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. Solveig reported windy conditions and a busy route. Once at the rim of the summit crater, the team crossed over to Columbia Crest, the highest point on Mt. Rainier. The team is descending back to Camp Muir and will return to Ashford later this afternoon.
Congratulations SheJumps climbers!
Comments (9)
Congratulations Katy and the She Jumps Team!! You all Rock and Are AWESOME!!
Posted by: Gayla Prociv on
WOO HOO!! So proud of you sweet girl! Love you!
Posted by: Jami carino on
You all ROCK!!!
Love you so much Emily Grace!!!
Posted by: Tony Carino on
You all walk the walk!! “Nothing is insurmountable if you keep your eye on the summit!” Thank you Emily for being an inspiration to the next generation of young women, and to us all!
Posted by: Wes &Ellen; Davis on
Congrats Team SheJumps! I’m so proud of you Emily <3 Thank you RMI!
Posted by: Mike Davis on
So impressive She Jump Team, congratulations! Thank you for all you do for our young girls. Love you Emily♥️
Posted by: Sue on
SO impressed with the way you gals inspire young girls, and us…more mature ladies….to reach for the stars and rock-n-roll over the rocks! Katy we love you and all you do! Denise and Jim
Posted by: Denise and Jim on
SO impressed with the way you gals inspire young girls, and us…more mature ladies…
Posted by: Denise and Jim on
Congratulations Katy, and to the whole team of strong women working for the best cause. You are all rock stars!!
Posted by: Leslie Nuttman on