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Denali Custom Expedition: Hahn & Team Wait out the Weather

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - 9:58 PM PT It started snowing around 4 this morning, which was contrary to predictions. The entire day ended up cloudy, snowy and windy... about the nearest thing to a genuine storm that we have had. Forecasts still call for high pressure and nice weather out there somewhere, but it hasn’t found us yet. We gathered for meals in the shelter of the dining tent, but spent most of the day in our own tents, listening to wind and passing time. We’ll chalk it up to an extra acclimatization day, which is hardly ever a bad thing. There were a couple of calm periods and a few minutes of sun here and there, but the clouds never pulled off the upper mountain. Walking around camp in the flat light was a challenge as we’d frequently stumble into old holes dug in the snow for kitchens or caches or tents. Still, it never got particularly cold and the wind never hit more than about 25 mph, so we won’t complain too much. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (3)

I hope someone brought a flag so you can celebrate Independence Day on the top of the mountain.  Happy 4th to all of you.  Sandy

Posted by: Sandy Bemis on

Happy 4th of July to those almost at the top of the world! Thanks for keeping us all updated on this amazing trip. Praying for good weather!

Posted by: Tracy Wilhelm on

Love reading your very descriptive blogs.  I can imagine being there with you. 
Wishing you a glorious summit!

Posted by: Shannon Smith on

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