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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Break Up the Heavy Loads

Thursday, June 20, 2019 - 8:06 PM PT We had another early wake-up to avoid climbing in the heat of the day. We left camp around 3:45 and headed uphill to cache some gear around 10,200'. We carry so much food, fuel, and warm clothing that it is nice to break up the heavy loads as we ascend. In addition, it helps to work hard uphill and then come back down and sleep. The team was awesome today, making the round trip in exactly six hours. Since we were back in camp early, we had a glorious mid-morning /late afternoon nap and continued to sport eat. We need all of the energy we can get to climb this beast! Our plan for tomorrow is to head back uphill, this time moving our camp to 11,000'. We are hoping this good weather stays with us for awhile. I asked our climbers to come up with a haiku about the day. All of the haikus seem to be involving the bathroom and our clean mountain cans. We will post the best of tomorrow. RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Team Siete

On The Map

Comments (2)

I’ve been leaving comments for the wrong frickin team!!! hahaha Well, good luck to them too.  But Go Meghan!!!!!!  Love you and am so proud of you!  I don’t know why you do these things, but you do them well.  Big kiss Big kiss, little kiss little kiss.

Posted by: Victoria Buchanan on

Good luck to all!  Sounds like you are off to a good start!

Posted by: Cindy Haugen on

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