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Alaska Seminar: Smith & Team Train on the glacier

Saturday, May 25, 2019 - 9:31 PM PT Good evening all. We crawled out of our tents today to clear sunny skies. A perfect day to take a walk and learn some skills. After filling our bellies with bagels and cream cheese, we learned about rope travel. The best way to learn is to do, so we took the learning on the road. After a short stroll we came across a perfect place to park it for the day and learn different techniques to walk efficiently and also how to self and team arrest. Our day finished with a lesson on knots and hitches as the clouds descended and snow flurries danced from the sky. It looks like some weather might be moving in, but that's alright. We will just learn about defending camp and how to stay occupied in our tents. Crucial skills on big mountains. Nighty night, RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

Comments (1)

Is it cold and snowing up there? What do you do when you are stuck in your tents because of bad weather?

Posted by: C_shears on

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