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Mexico Volcanoes: Dale & Team Summit El Pico de Orizaba

Congratulations to the team who was the highest people in North America today, assuming no one is climbing Denali or Logan. We had a restless night of sleep listening to the winds howling but by the time we awoke at 11:30pm they were just gusting. The team did a great job taking care of themselves and climbing well. One of our favorite parts of this trip has been the people in this group. The other night at dinner we came up with trail names for everyone. Breezy is an up for anything Appalachian Trail through hiker. Flama Blanc is a high energy positive Greek restaurant owner. Payday is a world traveler and mountaineer who makes everyone feel comfortable. Lorenzo is the backbone of our team, supporting us with snacks and good advice. Posh is a calculated climber who can take on whatever he wants. Major Tom is a photographer who captures the beauty in the land and smiles on our faces. St. Ronaldo is a fun loving athlete who makes a ten-hour day look easy. Data is a brilliant and curious life long learner who always has a great story to share. Endurance is the calm and confident leader who everyone wants to follow for his perfect form. Baklava is a smart trail chatter who is great for trail distractions. Then the guides: Muel has the strength of a lion and the courage of a bear, Doc is a determined and amazing leader, and lastly me named Jefe, who has the pleasure of traveling and climbing with this great team! Thank you all. -Jefe

On The Map

Comments (5)

I couldn’t have asked for a better guide team in Christina, Grayson and Alan!  It was an absolute pleasure meeting some great climbers and getting ourselves up some mountains. Keep climbing everyone!!

Posted by: Mychal Wooldridge on

Jefe Mule and Doc deserve all the credit for making this the best RMI trip yet. Hope our paths cross again! Breezy

Posted by: Andreas Renner on

Nice. Congrats to all! Sounds like it was an awesome trip.

Posted by: Robert Thompson on

Fantastic recap and so glad Breezy shared trail magic with the group and had a fun adventure.  Congrats to all and have a safe trip home!

Posted by: Stephanie R on

My guess is Payday is Sue???  Safe journeys to all!

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on

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