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Aconcagua Expedition: Gorum & Team Celebrate at Casa de Piedra

We’re starting to get into a rhythm here in Argentina. Break down camp, eat breakfast, walk, repeat. The team was very efficient this morning, allowing us to be the first ones out of Pampa de Leñas, and the first ones to Casa de Piedra. It’s not a race, but leaving early means we get to walk in the shade for about an hour and a half. Shade is a very scarce resource in these parts, and we’ll take all we can get. Arriving first to Piedra also means that we get our pick of the limited number of tent sites. The mules arrived about five minutes after we did. We set up our tents, and were hiding from the sun by 2 pm. Siestas were had and snacks were eaten. A few folks braved the frigid waters of the Vacas river to combat the heat. We really had nothing on the agenda until dinner time. This particular chicken dinner has been called “the best chicken you’ll ever eat” by fellow RMI guide Mike King, and that man knows his chicken. Seeing as it is New Year’s Eve, we enjoyed a little champagne and jovial celebration. Seeing as it was highly improbable that any of us made it to midnight, we decided that the new year started once the sun went behind the ridge above camp. So at about 9 pm we let out a hoot ‘n a holler as the sun disappeared, and called it a night. Everyone sends their best to everyone at home. Tomorrow we go to Aconcagua Base Camp. Happy new year! RMI Guides JM Gorum, Hannah Smith, and Avery Parrinello

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happy new year

Posted by: alice ridlen on

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