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Aconcagua Expedition: King & Team Back to Pampa de Las Lenas

Yesterday we spent the day at Plaza Argentina sorting gear for the mules and enjoying a quiet base camp before the post holiday rush. Today we woke to high winds at base camp and said our goodbyes to the Grajales staff and set out for the 15-mile walk to Pampa Las Lenas. As we retraced our steps from two weeks ago, we had a chance to consider what we had accomplished on this trip and add some closure to what could have been. We concluded the day with a traditional Argentine asado for dinner and plenty of laughs from the difference that two weeks had made on us physically and mentally as we ate alongside groups of fresh climbers just starting their trip. Tomorrow is a short three-hour walk to the park entrance and from there we’ll be in Mendoza to conclude our expedition. Thanks for following along. RMI Guide Mike King

Comments (1)

Gloria, you are AWESOME!!!  We are ALWAYS so proud of you (and team) whether you make it to the top or not.  We can’t wait to see more pictures.  Dana says it’s exciting to live his climbing dreams vicariously through you.  :-)  BIG HUGS!!!!!!

Posted by: Susan and Dana on

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