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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team’s Christmas Eve in Antarctica

Same weather. Snow and low cloud. Nobody went anywhere. But there is hope that the weather will improve tomorrow and that we’ll fly to South America. We had a big brunch at 11 AM and a Christmas procession involving vehicles, costumes, dancing and hot wine. Then it was lectures and reading and napping as usual. Dinner was special. None of us expected to be in Antarctica for Christmas... all of us are, as it turns out. So we made the most of it. A great dinner with friends. And then a suspense filled game of trivia in which our sturdy Vinson team took second place out of six teams. By night time, it was still snowing, but ever so lightly and the clouds were lifting. Things may indeed start happening tomorrow. Merry Christmas to all at home and we’ll see you soon. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (1)

Merry Christmas to you all! It wasn’t the same without you but things happen for a reason. Maybe, for example, it was to form bonds that will never be broken. In any case, the welcome home will have that much more joy. Here’s to getting off the ground tomorrow.


Posted by: Kathy on

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