Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Hanging Tough at Vinson Base Camp
Same storm, different day. When we started rolling out of the tents at 9 this morning it was obvious that the storm was still hitting the upper mountain hard. We ate breakfast and kept watching the clouds, and when the forecast at 11 AM confirmed that we still had some more storm days to come, we opted to stay another day at base. As predicted, the local weather came and went during the course of the day with periodic thick cloud and light snow and a little wind even at Base Camp. We rested and sorted supplies and kept our spirits up. We hydrated and snacked and had a hardy dinner and storytelling session until 10:30 in the evening, at which time the sun finally broke free of the clouds stuck on the mountain range. It broke mostly free, but even diffuse sunshine was welcome for making it a little easier and more comfortable to climb into the tents again.
Best Regards
RMI Guide Dave Hahn
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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Rest Day at Vinson Base Camp
November 30, 2018
Comments (3)
Doug, Best of luck. miss you!!! Stay strong!
Beth, Kevin & Jenna
Posted by: Beth Rice on
We’re pulling for your success. Stay well. Mom and Dad
Posted by: Dad on
to matt brennan
god speed to you and your team.
jerry allen/mechanic
Loveland exvac.
Posted by: jerry allen on