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Mission Saipal: RMI Guide Hannah Smith & Team Switch Objective

After getting pushed back down to Base Camp by poor weather we said good bye to a few team members who are headed home today. Our team is getting smaller and smaller as we near the end of our time here. It's been almost two weeks at Base Camp, and although we unfortunately did not get to climb our objective, it's been a worth while experience. I believe everyone will be walking away from this expedition having learned something. Our journey in this valley is over but our journey in general isn't. Tomorrow we will head to the valley to our east and try our hand at a peak over there. We are hopeful that we can find a smaller peak to teach more mountaineering skills to the Nepali girls and to be able to stand on top of peak. Here's to some lady luck, RMI Guide Hannah Smith

Comments (2)

If only we could control the weather…
Good Lady Luck on alternate peak!

Posted by: Mary Ann on

Hey you gave it your best shot! I’m sure the Team all benefited from the incredible experience! You are all my heroes.


Posted by: michelle the mom on

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