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Kilimanjaro: Grom & Team Conquer the Barranco Wall

Hello again everyone: Things are good here on Kilimanjaro and the team is doing great! Today started like the last few, beautiful and clear and then slowly clouded up as the day went on. We left camp a little later today to allow the many porters to hit the trail before us as we had our only major obstacle right out of camp. This obstacle is the great Barranco Wall, which rises about 1,000 feet and looks as intimidating as it sounds. Thankfully there is a nice narrow trail that weaves its way up and through the wall and all the way to the top. Most of it feels more like steep hiking, but there are a few places that require our hands to help us climb up. The team did great and thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. After reaching the top we took a nice break but were unable to enjoy the amazing views due to the gathering clouds. Nonetheless we continued our hike for a few more hours before reaching camp. We spent the remainder of the day relaxing in our tents and playing a few games of cribbage! RMI Guide Casey Grom and the Kili crew

On The Map

Comments (4)

Congratulations on summiting Kiliminjaro!! That makes for a great birthday and how lucky am I
to get the phone call from the summit!! Can’t wait to talk to you, enjoy the climb down.

Posted by: Megan Martin on

Wow! Great work…. I’m better at home in the Florida Keys with maximum elevation 12 feet :) Take it to the top Alysia, Emily and gang!

Posted by: Sandy Moret on

Wow—so exciting!!  I hope you have good weather the next few days. Climb on and be safe!  Sending wishes and love to B&G!!

Posted by: Shelly & Greg Meador on

Way to go, re : Barranco!!! LOVE the pictures; my heart wants to hug all of you :-). So, consider yourselves hugged. ONWARD. So amazing. Super excited for the next 2 days; can only imagine your thoughts as you move forward today. Well, tomorrow. Which is today for you by the time you read this. HAHA! :-) xoxo

Posted by: Shelby Schneider on

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