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Kilimanjaro: Okita & Team Safari at Lake Manyara National Park

What a nice contrast to the past seven days of climbing a 19,340' mountain. Tired legs got a much needed rest as we drove around Lake Manyara National Park searching out wildlife made famous in National Geographic specials on TV. We were not disappointed. We rode around in retooled Toyota Land-cruisers made just for game viewing, complete with pop up roofs for looking at critters from above roof top level. These vehicles are the perfect way to access the terrain where we find the animals. Our team was split between two Land-cruisers. Our two drivers/guides, Francis and Godson, proved to be incredible sources of knowledge, having to graduate from a two year university program and do internships before being qualified as a safari guide. Yes, we saw zebras, hippos,wildebeests, Cape buffalo, baboons, monkeys, tons of birds, dik diks, impalas, and I forget what all else. But we also learned such things as the inner workings of termite mounds, the love life of baboons and a myriad of other things. Oh, and the other team got to see a bull elephant from ten yards away! Now we're settled in at our plush hotel, the Plantation Lodge, where we're being spoiled by some cush living. Tomorrow, the Ngorogoro Crater awaits that should prove to be especially exciting. Ok, that's all for tonight. Dinner is served in ten minutes and I don't want to be late. I haven't had anything less than a superb meal here on Tanzania, and I expect no less tonight. Lala Salama, RMI Guide Brent Okita

Comments (1)

Wow loved your story telling skills.  Can’t wait for the pictures.  Blessing on the rest of your adventures and explorations.. 
Love you tons,

Tia Becky

Posted by: Rebeca Woods on

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