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Mt. Rainier: June 6th Team Turns at 13,400’

The Four Day Summit Climb led by RMI Guides Mike Walter and Chris Ebeling reached 13,400' before high winds and a cloud cap forced the team to turn. The team is on their descent and will be returning to Rainier Basecamp early this afternoon. Congratulations to Today's Team!

Comments (13)

Julie -

You continue to amaze and inspire!!

Can’t wait to hear about it!


Posted by: David Decker on


We are all so proud of your hard work and awesome accomplishments. Can’t wait to have you home!

Love you!

Barb, Michael, Noelle, Lauren, Abi, Conor and MacKenzie


Posted by: Barbara Hume on

Jules! You are seriously an inspiration!  I am so proud of you and in awe of your spirit!  Safe travels today to you and the entire team!  What an amazing feat!!

Posted by: Jen Perlmutter on

You’re my hero!! You’re such an amazing person full of passion for life and the strength of Wonder Woman. I’m so proud of you for always seeking out and accomplishing things most of us wouldn’t ever even consider trying. You did AWESOME today…. You are the real deal sister :).
Love you…

Posted by: Lee Revere on


Congrats to you and your team for a tremendous journey, we are super proud of you. Thank you for taking Mimi and Gun Gun, this is an incredible achievement for you. New beginnings and greater highest will follow for you. Mind over Matter…..And… I got a “YES”

Love you mucho much sis!

Posted by: Jinni and Meredith on

Julie and team - you’re all amazing for even attempting this. What an accomplishment for you all. Save travels on your descent!

Posted by: Hilary Hitchner on


You know I’m proud! BEAST!  Can’t wait to hear all about your adventure.


Posted by: Craig Crockett on

Julie you are a rockstar! I’m so proud of your great effort and wish you could be beaming from the summit but I know that you’ll have some great stories to tell about this tremendous attempt! You’re the real deal in my book! Love you! Liz

Posted by: Liz Whitfield on

Steve & Tom,

Don’t feel bad I’ve been there — that is NOT at the summit! Tom can share that feeling twice now, but what an incredible journey. Despite a favorable ppt forecast in the end the winds of change ruled the day. Have a safe decent and hopefully the clouds will clear for some great pictures and fun glissading.

Posted by: Joe Heissler on

Julie, man, Mother Nature sure can be a bitch sometimes! But even she cannot alter your fierce bad ass woman status. I have lived looking at that monstrous mountain almost every day for the past 20 years and never even considered climbing it. I am so damn proud of you! Call me tonight if you need your local support!
Love, Ape

Posted by: April Norton Rauch on

So excited for this amazing journey you have accomplished. Sorry you all didn’t make it to the summit. 
However, I am so proud of you for all your hard work and dedication.
I love you and I am waiting for your safe return. 
Your loving wife,

Posted by: Cathy Heissler on

You are a rock star! The fact that you even made it out there is an accomplishment.  We all know that we cannot control mother nature!!!  Hope Mimi kept you company and this is the beginning of good things to come for you! Love you TONS.

Posted by: Meredith Williams on

Julie, Congrats to You and the entire team for your superior efforts in your endeavor in trying to reach the summit.  The climb was still a success for you and the whole team!!  I am very proud of YOU!  Can’t wait to see you on Saturday and hear all about it and hopefully see some great pictures. What happened with Mimi and Gunny?  I LOVE YOU!


Posted by: Suzan Frisbey on

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